Monday, June 11, 2007

t-shirts make it offical...

We are going to South Africa!!!!!

Last night we had our last information meeting.

  • The money was due yesterday. On Saturday, I put in $859 from my bank account, meeting the $3500 goal. I am in awe that I was able to meet that goal and will not go into debt.
  • We found out who the people on our individual work teams would be.
  • My gardening group will be on special assignment, doing landscape for Charity and Faith's pastor Titus' home.
  • One night while in South Africa, we will be eating dinner and staying overnight with a host family from the church.
  • Our flight will leave at 6am from CVG...we have to arrive at the airport at 3am!
At the end of the meeting, we were surprised and surrounded in the dark auditorium by people holding candles, who will be praying for us on our trip. My mom is that person for me. It was a really good feeling to be surrounded by people who, back home will be thinking and praying for our trip...pretty comforting.